Clarksville Light & Water Mitigation
The Clarksville Light & Water Mitigation project consisted of three separate phases, and occurred in multiple locations along Piney Bay and Spadra Creek near Clarksville. The overall goal of the project was installing new intakes on Spadra Creek and Piney Bay in order to preserve the integrity of the city’s water supply and ensure clean water sources in the future. Van Horn Construction served in a CMAR role for the duration of this project. VHC had no recordable accidents during this project, which occurred during the period in which the company earned ABC’s Diamond STEP Award. This project also received an Excellence in Construction Award for Public Works/Environment.
Project Overview
Phase I
Construction began in March of 2016 with tree removal and site preparation for a new road on Spadra Creek that would provide access to CL&W’s new pump station on Spadra Creek. VHC operated under a limited time window for tree removal due to environmental accommodations to protect the habitats of bat and beetle species in the area. VHC worked closely with representatives from CL&W and other subject matter experts to perform proper tree removal. After tree removal, VHC began road construction to prepare the site for installation of the new intake, intake facility, and transmission line.
Phase II
In Phase II, the team installed a new freshwater intake screen at the existing intake on Piney Bay, as well as constructed a new intake, weir structure, and intake facility at Spadra Creek. The new intake facility on Spadra Creek is located upstream of an existing intake. This placement occurred because CL&W desired to collect water upstream of the new crude oil pipeline being installed by Diamond Pipeline. An upstream water collection allows CL&W to maintain a clean water source should the crude oil pipeline ever be compromised.
Phase III
The third phase of the project was performed concurrently with Phase II. This phase of the project consisted of the construction of approximately 7,420 linear feet of 24-inch ductile iron raw water pipeline to be used to transmit raw water collected on Spadra Creek. VHC connected the new transmission line to an existing 24-inch ductile iron pipeline near the existing Spadra Creek Intake Facility and extended it to the new Spadra Creek Intake Facility. The reach the targeted location, the new transmission line crossed two creeks. The line consists of approximately 480 linear feet of 36-inch steel casing and a combination of air release/vacuum valve assemblies.